Effortless Expansion Episode #018: No Matter What Energy

I've been playing in this new vibe lately.

You may have heard others use this phrase, or maybe you use it.

It's this "no-matter-what" energy.

It's the energy of, no matter what, I'm in it. PERIOD.

The vibe is limitless and unconditional. Throw everything at me and I'm going to keep going.

It's the every time I fall, I stand back up. You know, fall seven times standup eight. This is it, you guys.

This is the most potent energy and declaration. You're literally telling the universe no matter what, no matter how long it takes, I'm here for this and this only. This or something better. That's one of my favorite sayings.

I will not be stopped and this energy is magnetic AF.

I encourage you to ask yourself, how can you be big? How can you be bold? How can you be brave and go after your desires with you no matter what energy? This is the energy, when fully embodied, that miracles unfold at quantum speed.

This is the energy that I often refer to as tapped in, tuned in, turned on. It's magnificent. It's when you feel like you're on cloud nine and everything is happening at quantum speed, and it's happening for you, not to you.

It's when miracles are unfolding, when you're on this high of like, oh my goodness, that happened?!? What's next? Oh my goodness, of course that happened. What's next? Oh my goodness. It's that.

It's when you hear from people you haven't heard from in a long time, when opportunities fall into your lap, when new clients come into your world, unexpected money, etc.

There is something about the no matter what energy that makes a potent declaration to the universe. When you hold this energy you inevitably take all of the aligned action that your intuition gives you, and you do it. Even when you're scared, even when it feels too big, even when you're not sure you're brave or bold enough. You do it anyways. Maybe it's not perfect but done is better than perfect.

When you fully step into this no matter what energy you stop playing in the world of "what ifs." You stop looking over your shoulder wondering when the universe is going to bring your blessings. You know it's happening, you're sure of it. You just don't know how. But the unknown feels exciting, you are eager to receive in divine timing. You have unwavering trust.

This is no matter what energy. To hear more on this topic, listen to the full episode.

Let's work together! ⬇️

Unruly Mastermind

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The Unknown

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