Effortless Expansion Episode #55: I'm Not Afraid Of The World We Live In and Here's Why You Shouldn't Be Either

In this episode of The Effortless Expansion Podcast, Jessica Doman explains why she’s not afraid to live in today’s world and why you shouldn’t be either. She talks about taking charge of our fears and turning them into opportunities for growth and empowerment. She shares her personal journey with fear, from understanding its roots in her family to embracing her power to overcome it. If you've ever felt that fear was holding you back, this one's for you.



Let’s dive into something that's been on my mind – fear and how we can conquer it together. This podcast episode is all about taking charge of our fears and turning them into opportunities for growth and empowerment. I'm going to share my journey with fear, from understanding its roots in my family to embracing my power to overcome it. If you've ever felt that fear was holding you back, this one's for you.

Throughout my life, fear has always crept in. I've realized that my family, going back generations, carried this fear too. But I'm on a mission to break this cycle, not just for me but for future generations. It's time to step up and face fear head-on so that my children don’t have to.

Recently, I've been dealing with some big changes – like putting my dream home up for sale and not knowing where my family will live next. It's a situation that could easily trigger fear, and it 1000% has, but I'm not letting it get the best of me any longer. Instead, I've been diving into the heart of fear to truly understand it.

In a world where fear often dominates headlines and conversations, it's crucial to have tools to navigate it. I've developed a practice – a kind of energetic reset – that helps me stay centered and focused. By simply closing my eyes, touching my heart, and breathing deeply, I can release fear's grip.

I also tapped into the power of my spiritual guides, calling back my energy, knowing, and truth. It's like activating my inner powers – I'm equipped to face any challenge fear throws my way.

Now, here's the truth bomb that gets me every time – we chose to be here, right now.

Just like I signed up for this human experience, you did too.

Remembering this fact diminishes fear's influence.

When we recognize fear for what it is – a temporary visitor – we can regain control.

Fear might knock, but it doesn't get to decide how we live. It's our journey, and we set the course. By consciously choosing love and courage over fear, we reshape our lives and inspire others to do the same.

If you want to learn how to release fear for good and activate the role of your magic, your mission, and your purpose, tune in to this episode.

Also, if someone you know is wrestling with fear, share this episode with them. Let's spread the message of empowerment and courage far and wide!

Let's work together! ⬇️

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