
Effortless Expansion Episode #066: Life Update

Hey guys!! I'm thrilled to be back with you after a bit of a hiatus. Hitting that record button today fills me with a tremendous sense of gratitude. You know, it's been a while since we last connected, and I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been on this journey with me.

First of all, I need to shout out my rockstar team member, Carrie. She's been incredible, repurposing some of our 2022 and 2023 free masterclasses to keep the podcast episodes coming your way. It was important to me to show up and inspire you all, even when I had a lot going on in my personal life.

Speaking of which, today's episode is a big life update. We're going to delve into what's been happening lately in my world, and boy, there's been a lot. So let's dive right in!

New Beginnings and Gratitude:

As you may know, my family and I have embarked on a significant journey. We've relocated to a new place; my husband has started a new job, our kids are adjusting to new schools, and we've packed up our entire lives and put them into storage.

But here's the magical part: we're currently living in a friend's beautiful lake house. This place is their summer paradise, and they've generously offered it to us for the winter. Can you believe it? It's just incredible. We're surrounded by serene waters and nature, and it's the perfect setting to hibernate, heal, and grow.

Navigating Change and Resilient Kids:

As you can imagine, this move was no small feat. We considered living with family in the area, but sometimes that can be overwhelming after you've been on your own for a while. We actually tried living with my in-laws for a bit, and while it was great, we were thrilled to have our space to settle in and relax.

Our kids were a significant concern. We wondered how they'd cope with leaving their familiar school, grandparents who live nearby, and the only home they'd ever known. It turns out, kids are incredibly resilient. Our son Tyler is thriving in school, and it warms our hearts. Our little one, Connor, is adapting, and I adore how he's turning into a bit of a mommy's boy.

Lessons on Receiving:

This journey has taught me an important lesson about receiving. I used to be that independent woman who would insist on paying for her lunch or carrying her bags. But now, I've opened my heart to accept help, support, love, and even freebies from others. It's been a profound shift and a reminder that generosity and love are abundant, not just for me but for all of us.

The Power of Showing Up:

In my recent mentoring and coaching experiences, I've realized the incredible power of showing up authentically. I've shared my emotions and vulnerabilities, and in return, I've been met with admiration for being my true self. So, whether it's with my clients, my team, or in my mastermind, I'm all in with my emotions and genuine self.

Diamond Academy and Playing Bigger:

Now, here's something I'm excited to share: I've joined Kathleen Cameron's team in Diamond Academy. It's a thrilling opportunity to be a Success Advisor and help guide people on their manifestation journeys. We offer programs like Millionaire and Modern Mentor to those who aspire to reach their next level.

This new role is a significant change for me. I'm still supporting my clients, running the podcast, being there for my family, and overseeing the construction of our dream home. There are new challenges, including my kids' school and extracurricular activities. But this journey feels right; it's a call from my intuition and soul.

The Road to Growth:

You know, I've always believed that the more I grow, the more my world expands. And that's why I continue to invest in myself. I hold the belief that growth leads to more joy, more travel, more wealth, and more opportunities for fun. It's about evolving and experiencing life to the fullest.

Playing Bigger and Being Proud:

Ultimately, what matters most to me is not the house I'm in, the bank account balance, or the clients I have. It's whether I can look back and say, "Did I do my best today? Did I show up as the best version of myself? Did I serve others in the best way I could?" That's what this journey is about, and I'm committed to it.

I can't wait to share more with you in upcoming episodes. Follow me on Instagram at @effortlesslyjess, where I'll be sharing updates about our new home and my evolving relationship with my husband as we continue to grow and ascend together. Thanks for listening. I love you all, and remember, don't just dream big, go big!



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